I am aware of the legal consequences in case of false declarations, (Art. 46 e sgg D.P.R. 445 del 28 Dicember 2000)
that the persons in my group have not undergone any quarantine measure, that they do not show any symptoms such as fever over 37.5 °C or breathing difficulties and, even if asymptomatic, that they have not come into close contact with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, in the case they have previously proved positive to COVID-19 that they can produce a medical certificate which states that they have been tested and are now negative, moreover they are aware of the containment measures for the COVID-19 contagion relating to cabins, beach umbrellas and beach facilities and that sharing of these facilities with other peolple is forbidden except woth members of the same family group or for those that share the same accommodation, or with people who, according to the current guidelines, are not subject to interpersonal distancing, this last referring individual responsibility of the persons declared.
I allow the management of the bathing establishment to record and use personal data relating to myself and other persons in my group according to the current laws and regulations relating to GPDR.
I have read and accept the conditions and terms contained in the 1/2020 policy document. For any issues please ask to the employers.